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Reach out to us..

Hi all.

It's been a while since our last update and a lot has been happening at Hopwood Court over the past months to ensure our duty of care to our wonderful residents and caring staff. Covid-19 as we all know has impacted many peoples lives and families with monumental changes to all of our daily routines.

At Hopwood Court throughout the pandemic we have put health and safety first and now with the vaccine being rolled out we can certainly start to look forward to the future. I'm pleased to inform you all that all of our residents have now had their first vaccination with dates booked for their second dose. Further to this all of our members of staff have also had their first vaccine so at the moment we are in the best situation we could be. This really is a huge step forward.

Although we are progressing we need to still safeguard our residents and teams health so we are still very much operating under strict guidelines with regards to daily operations & visitors to the home.

It is with a huge smile however that I can write that we are now able to start allowing our residents families to make a visitor booking to come and meet with their loved ones as we have installed a purpose build outer house which ensures social distancing allowing families to reconnect in person. Please see the images below which showcase our new outer house which gives us some flexibility.

If you have family at Hopwood Court please do make contact with us so we can detail the process and so we can look to make arrangements to meet your loved ones. It really does bring great joy to everyone at Hopwood Court to see families reconnecting in person and gives us much hope for the future.

Take care and stay safe.

Michelle Birchill

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